Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday 24th November - local protest meeting

The local education administrators are proposing to remove the school bus which serves our locality to cut their costs. Between 40 and 50 children use the bus daily to attend schools all over Napier and Taradale.

Last night there was a protest meeting in Taradale High School where Chris Tremain, the local MP had to defend the National government decision. It was an interesting meeting. The two men who had called the meeting had a short introduction and then threw it over to the floor to makes their views clear to Chris Tremain. Tremain looked very uncomfortable. I think he had been ambushed and not expected the largish crowd who turned up. The meeting did not have a real agenda and was a bit chaotic. Tremain did not even know the route the school bus followed and was unaware of the numbers using the bus. The meeting was inconclusive but Tremain is sure to lose many votes if the decision goes through. He has lost my potential vote for his performance on the night!

The meetings to protest the proposed dump at the Donegore quarry were much better organised. And the politicians seemed to have done their homework!

Tuesday, 24th November - 3 years in New Zealand

Today is our anniversary day for arrival at Auckland Airport.

No party today, J is still working for his exams which finish on Thursday afternoon.

We should kill one of the calves to celebrate!!!!

Monday, 23rd November - fadge

We had some old potatoes which I decided to experiment on. I looked up a recipe for fadge ( potato bread ) on the internet and made some this past weekend.

This northern irelanders mother and aunts would be amused at me having to look up the internet for the recipe. :-)

Anyway, over 3 years after leaving Northern Ireland we have finally had some fadge... not as good as mother would make but still pretty good. Had some fried for dinner, the best way to eat it, I think!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Thursday 5th November - Guy Fawkes night

Believe it or not tonight is Fireworks Night in New Zealand.

5th November is celebrated here like it is in England.

Fortunately, by law, fireworks are only sold in the 3 days leading up to 5th November thus limiting the amount actually sold and let off!

We do not have fireworks going off for months!!! :-)

Thursday 5th November - a MAJOR milestone

In the autumn 0f 1919, my Great Uncle Jim and Great Aunt Eliza left Ireland ( not Northern Ireland) to set out for New Zealand to start a new life there. Jim had served in the Great War the Inniskilling Fusileers and had been invalided out of the Army. Eliza had nursed him back to health.

Their daughter Essie was born on the ship in the Red Sea on its way to New Zealand on 3rd November 1919.

Essie celebrates her 90th birthday this week. The family are having a party at Moyola Station near Whakatane in the Bay of Plenty all day Saturday. Four generations of the clan are gathering from all over Australasia for the event.

We are travelling up on Saturday morning to Moyola to take part in the celebrations. I am looking forward to meeting people I have not seen for 25 years.

Happy Birthday Essie!

Thursday 5th November - What would you do?

Some time ago David, a friend of mine in Wellington, and I were talking about different things we would try and do if we changed careers. David said he would want to become a helicopter pilot. I said I would learn to drive forklift trucks and use that do do other interesting work.

Today I gained my forklift truck licence!


Tomorrow I am going to update my CV and submit it to a couple of agencies to try and find seasonal work in Hawke's Bay for the summer.

I think David has not done anything about his helicopter licence yet.