Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday 23rd June - A H1N1

The flu virus is spreading through the three main New Zealand cities with hundreds now infected. They predict at least a third of the population will be infected over the next two years.

It has not managed to get over the mountains to Hawke's Bay yet but it will in time.

We are being told to stock up with enough food to survive for a week if we are infected. Those with the flu have to stay at home until they recover!

The government health ministry has pulled away from shutting down workplaces and schools if there is new infections. I expect they did not want to be hit with huge expense claims from employers if they stopped companies trading. So in the event of a real pandemic, do not expect the government to think of health... they will think of the cost first!!!!

The flu virus has managed to find its way into a Wellington prison. It would have been funny to see a prison being shut down and everyone sent home. :-)

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